

The UFRGS Graduate Program in Chemistry (PPGQ) received Grade 7 (seven) in the most recent four-year CAPES evaluation, a position that has been maintained in the last three evaluations and consolidates the position of PPGQ / UFRGS as one of the best graduate programs in Chemistry in the country.

This outstanding position obtained by PPGQ is mainly due to the excellence of its faculty and students, which results in a direct impact on the quality of its scientific production. The academic excellence presented by PPGQ has also led to a growing internationalization of its activities, resulting in a significant number of interactions with institutions and research groups from various countries around the world, particularly the United States, Germany, England, France, Austria, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, China, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile. Internationalization actions take place in various degrees and modalities, including receiving foreign researchers for work missions, offering courses and lectures, sending students for doctorate internships abroad, developing international research projects with formal support from Brazilian and international funding agencies, as well as the signing of cooperation protocols and double doctorate agreements.

These various interactions have resulted in an intense exchange of Brazilian researchers at universities and research centers abroad, as well as the arrival of several renowned researchers to participate in scientific discussions at UFRGS, who also taught courses and lectures. Considering only the last 5 years, PPGQ faculty presented more than 80 lectures at international scientific congresses and institutions abroad, while more than 60 lectures by foreign researchers were presented to the IQ/UFRGS community.